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This book will make you ROAR with laughter! Discover facts about escaping penguins, farting zebras, leaping dolphins, snorting elephants, dancing bears, and more—all connected in weird and wonderful ways.
Did you know that beavers have orange teeth? Or that some monkeys floss their teeth using bird feathers? Or that one species of bird can walk underwater? Or that alligators stay underwater for longer by swallowing rocks? Or that sea otters use rocks to crack open prey?
Welcome to Animal FACTopia!, a purrfectly amazing world of facts, all of which are verified by Encyclopaedia Britannica. Every fact in this book is connected to the next in a fascinating web of information, where you will leapfrog from topic to topic in surprising and hilarious ways. Sometimes your path branches and you can slide down a rabbit hole to a totally different, but still connected, part of the book. Discover where your curiosity will take you!
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