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Buried Alive
Tim can't wait to go on holiday - especially as he gets to bring his friend Biscuits along. But their trip unexpectedly becomes truly, terribly adventurous when an encounter with two local bully-boys threatens to disrupt the fun. Narrated by Tim and interspersed with revealing, illustrated extracts from Tim and Biscuit's holiday diaries, this is a wonderfully enjoyable story from one of the most popular writers around that both girls and boys will love.
Double Act
Ruby and Garnet are ten-year-old twins. They're identical, and they do EVERYTHING together, especially since their mother died three years earlier - but they couldn't be more different. Bossy, bouncy, funny Ruby loves to take charge, and is desperate to be a famous actress, while quiet, sensitive, academic Garnet loves nothing more than to curl up with one of her favourite books. And when everything around the twins is changing so much, can being a double act work for ever?
Dustbin Baby
April knows she was abandoned in a rubbish bin as a newborn baby, fourteen years ago. Now she's happily settled with her foster mother, Marion - but there's a part of April that's desperate to know where she really came from, and who she really is. If only she could remember her real mother - or even find her . An engrossing, engaging and highly moving novel from the acclaimed bestseller Jacqueline Wilson.
Floss's parents are divorced, and she divides up her week, spending five days with her mum, her new step dad and her baby half-brother. The other two days Floss spends with her dad, helping him to run his greasy spoon cafe. But their simple arrangement is thrown into disarray when Floss's mum decides to move to Australia. Making the difficult decision to stay at home, Floss moves in permanently with her dad and they muddle along happily together, surviving on chip butties and enjoying visits to the local funfair. But disaster strikes - Dad's money troubles catch up with him and they have to move out of the cafe. They're homeless - but can their new fairground friends help out?
Best Friends
Gemma and Alice were born on the same day and have been devoted best friends ever since. Despite Gemma's larger-than-life personality and Alice's quieter, calmer character, the two are inseparable - until Alice has to move house, all the way to Scotland. Gemma is utterly distraught, particularly at the thought that Alice might find a new best friend. Is there anything Gem's brothers, or perhaps her granddad, can do to help?
Bad Girls
Shy, mild Mandy has been bullied at school for as long as she can remember. That's why she is delighted when cheeky, daring, full-of-fun Tanya picks her as a friend. Mum isn't happy - she thinks Tanya's a BAD GIRL and a bad influence on her daughter. But Mandy loves spending time with her brilliant new friend, and is sure Tanya can only get her out of trouble, not into it . . . or could she?
The Lottie Project
Hi! I'm Charlie (DON'T call me Charlotte - ever!). History is boring, right? Wrong! The Victorians weren't all deadly dull and drippy. Lottie certainly isn't. She's eleven - like me - but she's left school and has a job as a nursery maid. Her life is really hard, just work work work, but I bet she'd know what to do about my mum's awful boyfriend and his wimpy little son. I bet she wouldn't mess it all up like I do . . .
When Rebecca wades into the witch's pond after a row with her best friend Sarah, she meets a very unusual new friend - a huge, warty toad! And Glubbslyme is no ordinary toad. Hundreds of years old, he can talk and - best of all - he can work magic. Maybe, just maybe, he can help Rebecca be best friends with Sarah again .
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