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Raina can't wait to be a big sister. But once Amara is born, things aren't quite how she expected them to be. Amara is cute, but she's also a cranky, grouchy baby, and mostly prefers to play by herself. Their relationship doesn't improve much over the years, but when a baby brother enters the picture and later, something doesn't seem right between their parents, they realize they must figure out how to get along. They are sisters, after all.
Raina uses her signature humor and charm in both present-day narrative and perfectly placed flashbacks to tell the story of her relationship with her sister, which unfolds during the course of a road trip from their home in San Francisco to a family reunion in Colorado.
We ship to virtually any address in the world.
When you place an order, our team will start processing your order and you should expect to receive your order within 2-15 working days, depending on where you live.
Please also note that the shipping rates for many items we sell are country-based. Depending on your location, the delivery fees might differ.
All items are subject to Return and Exchange except for: Books, Electronics, Video Games, and Prepaid Cards; unless they do not meet standard specifications. For categories that are not listed, within 14 days of the date of order, you can return anything you bought from us, no questions asked. Please contact us to inform us of your intentions and we will send you the shipping address for our warehouse.
For full details of our return policy, please click here.
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