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From the Sunday Times and international bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots
Do you often feel exhausted by conversations?
Are there people in your life with belittle you through words or actions?
Or, do you have colleagues who take up your time and don't actually do much?
You could be surrounded by vampires! International bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson will help you recognise and deal with the four most common vampires.
Be it time, energy, attention or habit vampires, these ubiquitous social villains can leave you feeling drained and depleted. Whether they're lurking in your office, hiding amongst friends and family, or invading your thoughts, vampires can be found all around you.
Fortunately, no human or habit Vampire can survive when the sun shines on them. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Thomas Erikson will help you spot the vampires around you and find your light to vanish their influence for good.
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