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Teenagers' lives are full of change and this simple book will help them cope with the unique problems that face them every day, such as doing well at school, making career decisions, dealing with parents, relationships and dating, feeling good about themselves and being positive about the future.
A group of teenagers are worried about changes in their lives. To help them out, Chris tells the story of Who Moved My Cheese. Four characters, Hem, Haw, Sniff and Scurry, search through a maze for cheese, to nourish them and make them happy, but soon the cheese runs out. Sniff and Scurry go off in search for more, but Hem and Haw stay to work out what went wrong and wait for more cheese. Eventually, Haw realises that no new cheese is coming, so he sets out into the maze and eventually finds new cheese. The group then discusses the story, finding ways to apply it to their own lives.
Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens is an essential book for teenagers - an entertaining parable that reveals profound truths and insights that will last a lifetime.
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